Linda Pevnick – Psychotherapy in St. Louis, Missouri

Individual, Couples, and Group Psychotherapy



Sometimes, there are situations where no repair is possible, trust is too long gone. The next inevitable step may be divorce. Or perhaps divorce has been thrust upon you? In either case, even in the best handled divorce, there is enormous emotional upheaval.


Going through the divorce process has been described as a “crazy” time. Your moods may vary greatly, from relief to heartbreak, anger, fear, disappointment. Divorce affects your self-esteem, your lifestyle, your emotional health, your kids, your family, your finances, you name it!


Divorce creates a “crisis” where the normal ways of coping just aren’t adequate to get you through this stressful time. Therapy helps you learn a new group of coping strategies that you can use to help you cope more effectively.


There are many challenges to face in divorce. How to stay on an even enough keel to keep on working or parenting while on an emotional roller coaster? How to deal with your ex when having to co-parent in the best interest of our children?


Support and Recovery

You need people to talk to. Going through the divorce process wears out not only you, but, your friends and family as well. People who care about you mean well, but, may tell you what you want to hear or repeatedly say the wrong thing. They may lack objectivity because they care about you so much, or are so angry at your soon to be ex-spouse.


Consulting with a therapist gives you a place to air all your feelings, thoughts, and fantasies  in a confidential place. You can say anything and everything and count on being understood without judgement or criticism.  I offer my clients my objective perspective and support. Being able to work through the feelings, being able to stand back and take a long look at the situation, and getting proven advice on how to handle certain things can really make the difference in how you cope with this traumatic time of life.
Therapy helps you discover that even with this serious loss, there is opportunity for personal growth and future happiness. Everyone going through divorce can benefit from counseling during or after the divorce process.